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What if Your Year Was 12 Weeks

This “Year” I've been working on the 12 Week Year. By this year I mean 12 weeks. Yes 12 weeks. I've heard about this book may times but just recently started to implement it this calendar year. It's not just quarterly planning though. It's a mindshift because you approach 12 weeks as a year. The energy and excitement that we have at the beginning of the year and the “pressure” we have toward the end of the year are what we are simulating every 12 weeks.

The thing I like about it the most is that I get to chase different goals in a shorter period of time, but I think the biggest impactful thing is that for those goals that don't go the way I want them to go. I can “throw them out” and start new and/or tweak them. The book mentions to just focus on 1-2 but I ended up with 4 for my 1st 12 weeks and 3 for my second 12 weeks.

It makes you so much more intentional when you look at a week as a month instead of 12 weeks.

However, I think the most impactful thing that I started to look more at in my 2nd 12 week year is how to score my goals. I found this Clickup template that I'm using this 12 weeks although I use my Todoist for tasks, Basecamp for Project Management Software and Pipedrive for my CRM, one of the things I liked about it was that it makes it so much easier to score your week. Which is a huge part about the 12 week year. Getting things done aka execution. It also helps us to understand on what the lead (what we are doing daily e.g. going to 2 networking events each week) or lag measures too (what are the results e.g. generating $50k in revenue).

One of the things the book asked in the beginning was if you were one of those people that was amazed that people could get so much done in a short period of time and that's to me what this book is about.

It's like a mix of the book The One Thing with more of a timeline and focused that provides intentionality and some pressure.

There are a lot of templates I've come across depending what's your flavor, you can check out ClickUp, Notion or Todoist. I use Todoist because I have always used this but I like going to Clickup at the end of the week and some others I'm “coaching” to be able to do the Weekly Accountability Meetings or WAMs and score them. Note that on your scorecard you are tracking your execution versus your results. If you aren't hitting your results and scoring over “85%” weekly then maybe you need to change your activities or lead mesures.

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