It can be difficult for entrepreneurs and business owners to decide which social media site to be active. There are so many social media sites (and apps) that it is easy to spend an entire day managing social media while neglecting employees, clients, prospecting, HR, etc. The challenge is for entrepreneurs and business owners to first understand who and where their target market is before they determine which social media site to devote time to.
Most Vital Step
Determine your target market. If you aren't sure who you are targeting the best first step is to look at your existing clients or your target clients. (See Business Plan 101 via Teach a CEO)
Next Steps
The next steps are just as crucial, but if you are still not sure who exactly you are looking for (target/ideal customer) then go back to the first step.
- After you determine your target market, take a look at this infographic “The Top 9 Social Media Sites for Business. In the infographic you can receive a quick primer on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, Foursquare, Google Plus, Twitter, Pinterest & Youtube.
- Next, after you read about what social networks are out there to promote your business, next you want to get an idea of who is on each network. The State of Social Media Users a Pew Study provides a snapshot and information about the demographics and those that use each social network.
- Next, check out SEOmoz & Hubspots infographic on “How Marketers are Using Social Media” to determine the best ways to use social media.
- Lastly, if you want to know how to get started, check out these videos on how to create a Facebook Fan Page, claim your Google+ Listing, start a Google Plus Page, and a Twitter Account.
If you ever need any help, check us out at where we provide social media management and consultation services for entrepreneurs, startups and business owners.
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